Each jar cost $18 each
1. Brownies
2. Chocolate Chip
3. Gingerbread
4. Harvest M&M
5. Holiday M&M
6. Holiday Mint M&M
7. Holiday Peppermint M&M
8. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip
9. Holiday Monster
10. White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut
Interested to order? Deadline to order by November 30, 2023. Click below to download an order form:
In MS Word Document
In PDF Document
In Plain Text Document – coming soon
Total $:
Your contact information:
Phone with area code, VP, Voice or Text:
Please mail this form with a check or money order payable to:
Attn: Cookie Mix Jar
PO Box 5154
Concord, CA 94524
We accept online payment – PayPal Zette, Ca$h App and Venmo. Email us with the order form and we will provide you the online payment address to pay.
Below are examples of previous jar sales to give you an idea what they look like…
Funds will proceed to NCADB as fundraising.
Happy Holidays!
(last updated 10/05/23)