Ten Years Ago…
In April 2001 it was a busy day at the monthly NCADB social. Before lunch the biannual NCADB board election began with Jill Sprinkle being elected president, Charlotte Whitacre vice-president and Ted Baldwin, treasurer. It was announced that Matt Seiden would serve as secretary. Lunch was then served by Tom and Jill Sprinkle; sandwiches, cookies, potato salad and drinks.
After lunch was the second part of the election: Nick Bonner, Sharon Keith, Brenda Roberts, Nancy Seiden and Tom Sprinkle won seats on the board of directors. After the election, Nick Bonner announced his engagement to Mary Matthews of Atlanta, GA. They would marry in June.
Jill Sprinke surprised outgoing secretary Debby Lieberman with a gift: A picture frame with photos of Debby and NCADB people over the years. Debby said she would continue visiting the Bay area and helping NCADB. The day closed with Tony Papalia of DCARA discussing the ongoing energy crisis and how to cope with it.
Robert Miller who along with Margaret Noah and Betty Jo Lependorf began what eventually became known as NCADB in 1963 passed away on April 21st at the age of 85. He worked for the San Francisco Lighthouse for 41 years from 1935 to 1976. He supervised deaf-blind employees for many years.
Twenty Years Ago…
In April 1991 in these pages Charlotte Whitacre announced an upcoming deaf-blind empowerment workshop to be held in San Leandro. Also announced was a directory project to help people keep in touch with one another.